GHR Platinum, All Natural Anti-Aging Formula, 80 Capsules, NaturesTech Inc
GHR Platinum
- Dietary Supplement.
- All Natural Anti-aging Formula.
Four capsules contain (daily dosage):
Anterior Pituitary Peptides (bovine source) 90mg
Hypothalamus (bovine source) 25mg
Amino acid blend 750mg
Acetyl L-Carnitine 250mg
OPC (grape seed extract) 100mg
Alpha Lipoic Acid 65mg
Phosphatidyl Serine 10mg
B1 50mg
B2 50mg
B5 50mg
B6 50mg
B12 150mcg
Take 4 GHR Platinum capsules at bedtime three (3) hours after your evening meal on an empty stomach. GHR Platinum is taken for five days and the you take two days off.